cost of bravecto for dogs

How Much is the Cost of Bravecto for Dogs?

So, you’re curious how much that Bravecto flea and tick treatment is going to set you back for your dog? Trust us, we get it. As pet owners ourselves, we know how expensive it can be to keep our furry friends happy and healthy. The good news is Bravecto, despite being a premium product, is actually quite affordable and cost-effective since it lasts for up to 12 weeks. The not-so-great news is the exact price you’ll pay depends on several factors like your dog’s weight, where you buy it from, and whether you want the chewable or topical version. But don’t worry, we’ve done the research for you to give you the full scoop on how much Bravecto really costs and how you can save the most money. By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with everything you need to know to get the best deal on this revolutionary flea and tick treatment for your dog.

The Cost of Bravecto for Dogs in the US

One dosage of Bravecto protects dogs against fleas and ticks for 12 weeks. Bravecto prices in the US vary by dog size and retailer.

At your vet’s office, you can expect to pay between $50 to $100 for a 3-month supply of Bravecto for dogs. The exact price will depend on your dog’s weight. For example, for a dog weighing 44 to 88 pounds, the average cost of Bravecto for dogs is around $65. For the largest dogs, over 123 pounds, a 3-month dose may cost $100 or more.

Bravecto for Dogs: What You Get for the Money

One dosage of Bravecto protects dogs against fleas and ticks for 12 weeks. Pet owners get convenience and comfort of mind for the price.

A 3-pack of Bravecto chewables for dogs weighing 44 to 88 pounds costs around $50 to $60, which works out to around $15 to $20 per dose. So for about $60 to $80 a year, you’ve got your dog covered with one of the most comprehensive flea and tick treatments available.

Bravecto works by absorbing into the tissues of your dog’s skin, so fleas and ticks are exposed to the treatment when they bite. This means 

Bravecto for Dogs Coupons and Discounts to Save

Bravecto offers several ways for dog owners to save money on this important medication. Here are a few options to consider:


Bravecto frequently offers coupons on their website that can save you $25-$50 per dose. Simply go to their website, enter some info about your dog like breed, age and weight, and they’ll provide you with an instant coupon to redeem at your vet’s office or an online pet pharmacy. They also regularly email coupons and special offers to people who sign up for their mailing list.

Buy in Bulk

Purchasing the larger doses of Bravecto, like the 6-month supply, can save you up to 20% over buying individual doses. The upfront cost may seem higher, but you’ll get more doses for a lower per-dose price. This is a great option if you have a large dog that requires a higher dosage, or if you want to stock up to avoid price increases.

Price Matching

Some vet clinics and online pet pharmacies offer price matching if you find Bravecto at a lower cost from a reputable retailer. Do some searching on sites like PetCareRX, Allivet and 1800PetMeds to find the best deals, and bring proof of that lower price to your vet. They may be willing to match it so you can get the same savings without having to switch from a vet you know and trust.

Using one or more of these money-saving methods can help take the sting out of the cost of Bravecto and keep your dog protected from fleas and ticks without breaking the bank. Don’t forget to ask your vet about any other discounts they may offer to help make Bravecto more affordable.

Upfront Cost vs. Duration of Protection

Bravecto provides 3 months of protection against fleas and ticks with a single dose, so while the upfront cost may seem higher than monthly preventatives, you’re actually paying less in the long run. Bravecto can cost between $45 to $65 for a 3-month supply, depending on your dog’s weight. Compare that to $15 to $30 per month for other preventatives—you’ll spend $45 to $90 over 3 months. Clearly, Bravecto is more budget-friendly, saving you $30 to $75+ over 3 months.

Brand Name vs. Generic

Like many pet medications, Bravecto is available as a brand name product and a generic. The brand name version typically costs a bit more, from $45 to $65. The generic, fluralaner, provides the exact same protection at a lower cost, from $30 to $50. Both are safe and effective, so you can save $15 to $35 by choosing the generic.

Purchasing Options: Vet vs. Online

You can get Bravecto from your vet or buy it online. Buying from your vet may be slightly more convenient, but purchasing online will likely save you money. Reputable sites like Chewy, 1800PetMeds, and PetCareRx frequently run promotions offering 15-25% off or $5 to $20 coupons that can add up to big savings, especially if you’re buying a year’s supply at once.

In summary, Bravecto may have a higher upfront cost than some other flea and tick medications, but its 3-month protection means lower costs over time. Choosing generic fluralaner over the brand name version and buying online rather than from your vet can help maximize your savings. For effective, long-lasting protection against parasites at a lower overall cost, Bravecto is a great choice.


So there you have it, the breakdown of how much Bravecto for dogs will cost you. As with any medication, the exact price will vary a bit based on where you buy it and the dosage for your dog’s weight. But you can expect to pay between $50 to $100 for a 3-month supply to keep those pesky fleas and ticks off your pup.

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